Friday, February 20, 2009

Cultivating Spirituality: Spiritual Disciplines

The spiritual disciplines can be defined, in short, as the various activities that are used to cultivate spirituality in oneself. The definition itself is not subject or meant only for Christians, as Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and believers of every religion in the world practice spiritual disciplines to grow in their own personal faith and spirituality. For the next few weeks, I will be posting a series of studies and dissections of the spiritual disciplines that Christians often and should practice, in hopes that any Christian who is reading this blog can gain some insight and motivation on cultivating their own spirituality. It is also for the enlightenment and understanding of anyone who isnt a Christian, in hopes that they can get a look at why Christians do what they do! To lay a foundation, lets get some things understood. There are two types of disciplines, contemplative and active. They are pretty self explanatory, contemplative disciplines usually being done in silence, by oneself in the presence of God, and not seen by others. Active disciplines are engaging, in public, and expressed to others verbally and visually, and often are practiced in the cultivation of the spirituality of a group of people as well as oneself. Often, we as humans are either activists or contemplative in our personalities, being drawn to practice one type of discipline or the other. But, as Christians, we ought to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, which means following his entire example. Here is a list of some of the contemplative disciplines and also some of the active disciplines:

Contemplative Disciplines - solitude, silence, meditation, prayer, Sabbath/rest, worship, journaling, fasting, study

Active Disciplines - study, fellowship, teaching, evangelism, service

There are other disciplines that would fit inside of some of those that have been listed. These are basic disciplines, simply divided into contemplative or active. Starting next week I will post a study of the spiritual disciplines of solitude and silence. On many of these I will write about 2 disciplines at once, in order to move through the list faster. Let us strive to discipline ourselves in a way that cultivates our own spirituality and our relationship with God our Father. God bless!

1 comment:

Antoinette said...

I am looking forward to your study Ben. Thanks for doing it