Saturday, May 24, 2008


Hey hey. Well its been about 2 weeks, we moved from our house to an apartment building for various reasons, mainly because the rent on the house was more than we could handle and the contract ended. Moving itself was stressful but finally being settled into the new place was pretty nice. The ministry here, as always, is busy and always growing, which is awesome. Yesterday I was helping Jazmins mom do some stuff at her house and we went and had lunch and I was asking her about what she believes about demons and excorcisms. In a country where everything the Pope THINKS is a law or rule to live by, this means that exorcisms and demons are VERY real to the people here, as can be read about in this article The Mexican mindset is one of religious devotion... doing physical and mental "works" to make yourself right with God and the Virgin, keeping the demons and bad events out of your life if you accomplish these tasks. If only they knew that through Jesus Christ they can be freed from the law and given the Holy Spirit, who defends us from demons and Satan! The sad thing is, its not just Mexico that is affected by the law, its the whole "religious" world! Please help spread the truth about Jesus Christ to the lost world, so that they know that they dont have to be at any kind of risk, if they have the Holy Spirit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

NICE JOB! Just keep Jesus in perspective for your love for the lost. You are the man!